- Save time and nerves in the event of a breakdown! With the HELP Roadside Service- With the roadside service app you can quickly and easily request help in the event of a vehicle breakdown within the Addis Ababa region; - Tell us the cause of the breakdown and have your current location determined automatically. This saves you a lengthy description of your breakdown situation and can make it easier to find the broken-down vehicle. -- If you want, you can enter your vehicles and personal data in the user profile before a breakdown occurs and save yourself even more valuable minutes in the event of a breakdown. - In the event of a breakdown, we will regularly inform you about your order status and the expected waiting time. - Our accident checklist also contains valuable tips so that you dont forget anything in an emergency.Hints:HELP roadside assistance is available to all vehicles under 7 sits Open to road users who have a breakdown - including non-members. The assistance provided by the HELP roadside serviceHowever, HELP roadside service is only free for members within the scope of the membership conditions; with Help Up Trading PLC